Früher beachtete man vor allem die Funktion des Zielmoleküls und die Herstellungskosten.
Die Grüne Chemie
Von María de Lourdes Aja Montes, Masterstudentin ‹Chemistry for the Life Sciences› MScLS13
Chemistry plays an important role in everyday life and one of the most vital challenges that chemists have to face is developing the optimal way to produce molecules that can help improve it. However, the definition of optimal has evolved through time: from alchemical times, when the optimal synthesis was finding the right mixture that led to the desired results, through the industrial revolution when there was more focus on cost optimisation. It was not until the early 60’s that a new era of chemistry started, when Rachel Carson recognised the the devastation that certain chemicals were having on local ecosystems in her book Silent Spring [1], broadening with it the scope of what optimal signifies to include the effect of chemicals on the environment. In 1998 Paul Anastas and John Warner published the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry [2], which now serve as a guide-line for chemists to develop syntheses that not only produce the desired product at a competitive price, but also allow the environment to be protected from inherently toxic materials throughout the entire supply chain.
Nowadays multiple examples can be found where less hazardous syntheses have been implemented. This project describes some of these examples in the twelve sections below.
[1] ACS Green Chemistry Institute, History of Green Chemistry,American Chemical Society. 2014.
[2] Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry, Environmental Protection Agency, 2013.
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